Rules for authors


Dear authors!

The article must have convincing evidence for its conclusions; to be new; to be of interest not only for scientists in the area, but also to researchers in other related disciplines.

The Editorial Board and the Editorial Office of the journal "State and Law" review articles, the volume of which does not exceed 20 pages (1 quire, or about 40 thousand characters). Larger articles can be accepted if approved by the Journals executives.

Provide information about the author in a separate file, including:

surname, name and patronymic of author (co-author);

academic degree or academic title (if any);

present job title;

affiliation - place of work or study (full name of the institution or University and its address);

contact information (address, phone, e-mail).

Submission of an article expressly implies that the work described has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If dual submission or duplicate publication is found to have occurred, the manuscript will be rejected and the authors barred from future submissions.

Articles submitted from students, undergraduates, postgraduates, as well as authors without an academic degree, including junior researchers, are not recorded or considered.

The journal does not charge a publication fee.

Manuscripts will not be returned.

We remind you of the formatting requirements for submitting articles for publication.

1. Text format:

style – Times New Roman;

line spacing - 1.5;

the text font size - 14, footnote 10.

Page margins:

top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1 cm.

2. A sample ofan article, including review, overview, personalities, etc.

3. Abstract - no less than 65 words, key words - 10 (line spacing - 1.0, font size - 12, italics).

4. Pay attention to the quotation marks – "...". If the phrase or word inside the quotes, you should issue this way: "..."..."...".

5. The numbering of the footnotes pages through and through.

6. Pages should be numbered.

7. The article length should not exceed 20 pages, information about scientific conferences - 25, scientific reports - 12, review 8 pages.

8. The author should specify at the end of the article, that the text of the article (quotes, figures, footnotes) proofread and checked. The author must signe the copy of the article indicating that the text of the article (quotes, figures, footnotes) proofread and checked. The author is responsible for the reliability and accuracy of the data provided in the materials.

9. The author should carefully check the spelling in general, and the spelling of relevant legal terms, before submitting the manuscript to the journal .

10. Illustrative material should be submitted in tiff, eps. It is not advisable to use files in jpg format. Every scanned image should be with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi for tones from-still images and 600 dpi for line art images (graphs, Taba post office). With further scaling of images of more than 20% scan resolution increases proportionally.

If the illustrative material is done in Corel Draw, it is desirable to provide two files: native and exported. If your image contains only vector objects, then export to Adobe Illustrator (.ai) with the following settings:

• version 10.0

• Destination - Macintosh

• Export text as - Curver

• All check boxes.

If the file has bitmap objects, then export to TIFF (300 dpi) and its associated bitmap separate FAI Lamy.

If You are unsure of the quality of the scanned or made of material, it is better to provide the original.

If you can not provide the original, you must present the accompanying note on not claims to quality from still images.

Illustrations inserted in WORD are not originals, should be submitted as separate files.

11. After sending the article online, the author sends a license agreement on granting the right to use the article in a scientific journal in Russian, the founder (co-founder) of which is the Russian Academy of Sciences, by e-mail: the Contract can be downloaded here.

12. In the case of non-compliance with this regulation on the design of articles (review, reviews) the editors reserve the right not to consider it.


1. All submitted materials, appropriate to the Journal`s subjects, are reviewed for their expert evaluation. The articles are mandatory reviewed by the members of the Editorial Board of the Journal, who are acknowledged experts on the subject of the reviewed materials and have in the past 3 years publications on the subject of the reviewed article.

2. Member of the Editorial Board, who is the supervisor of the author or employee of the Department where the author works, cannot act as a reviewer.

3. The main purpose of the review is to provide well-reasoned editorial information for making decisions about the publication of the material. The positive review must contain recommendations to the authors to improve the article. The negative review should indicate the weaknesses of the manuscript so the authors whose work is rejected can understand the reasons for this decision.

4. The Editorial Office in case of acceptance or rejection of articles for publication is to inform authors of the decision of the Editorial Board of the journal.

5. The editors reserve the right not to provide the author with information about the reviewer.

6. Reviews are kept in Editorial Office for 5 years.

7. The editors send the authors copies of the reviews or a reasoned refusal, and shall also send copies of reviews to the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation in the event of receipt of the request.


The articles sent to authors for revision must be returned to the editor in the recommended period with the modifications and corrections in the text by e-mail: with a note: article after revision.

Articles whose authors did not eliminate the constructive comments of the reviewer, will not be accepted for publication.

The final decision is taken by the Editor-in-Chief or Vice-Editor-in-Chief.

Rejeced papers are not returned.

Information on the status of the article (acceptance for consideration, the timing of consideration by the Editorial Board, publication) may be obtained by e-mail:

Electronic files of articles (reprints) after their publication in the journal shall be sent to the authors at the indicated e-mail in PDF format and can be read using the freely distributable Acrobat Reader.

It should be noted that obtained by the authors an electronic version may be used by them only for personal scientific purposes (lectures, discussions, further developments, etc.). Link to the original publication is required. All demands from third parties for the use of this work should be addressed to the publisher (e-mail:

Please note that the changes in the manuscript cannot be made after acceptance of an article. If necessary, authors can contact the Editorial Office of the journal with a request to publish an Erratum.