In the conditions of the modern world order, there is often a distortion of historical events, the desire to interpret the results of the Second World War in different ways, in which the Nurnberg process is of key importance. A.N. Savenkov’s peer-reviewed monograph “Nuremberg: A Verdict for name of Peace” is a fundamental cross-sectoral study aimed at preserving historical memory and historical truth in modern conditions, popularizing legal approaches developed by the Nuremberg Tribunal. The author conducts a systematic analysis of the historical, political, economic and legal prerequisites of the Second World War. Within the framework of the historical approach, A.N. Savenkov explores the genesis of the Nuremberg trial in order to neutralize the argument of critics of the results of the Nuremberg Tribunal about the insufficient legal validity of its conduct. Special attention is paid by the author to the study of the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal and the principles enshrined in it, which had a huge impact on the formation of the modern system of International Law.
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На фото П.П. Миклашевич (слева) и А.Н. Савенков (справа)
1. Savenkov A.N. Nuremberg: A Verdict for name of Peace. M., 2021.
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